Herring Gull (argentatus) JJX55 2CY, May 23 2019, Katwijk beach, the Netherlands.
Construction works going on: Authorities raise the beach with sand replenishment.
CR-Code Black JJX55 & Stavanger 4284261, ringed as pullus Herring Gull Larus argentatus on 13.06.2018 at Husbergøya, Nesodden, Akershus & Oslo, Norway (59°51'49"N 010°43'10"E), by ringer Sindre Molværsmyr.
29.07 2018 Malmøya, Norway (59°51'56"N 010°45'01"E), Sandøy, John 46/2/82
12.01 2019 Katwijk, The Netherlands (52°12'43"N 004°23'56"E), Ballmann, Monika 213/936/207
13.01 2019 Noordwijk, The Netherlands (52°13'20"N 004°24'27"E), Marijnis, Annelies 214/935/207
23.05 2019 Katwijk, The Netherlands (52°12'45"N 004°23'56"E) Muusse, Mars 344/936/207
25.05 2019 Katwijk, The Netherlands (52°12'42"N 004°23'51"E) Hoeben, Rob 346/936/207
