Herring Gull (argentatus & argenteus)

(last update: February 11, 2013)

Herring Gull (argentatus) F1HT 3CY, March 01 2014, Katwijk, the Netherlands.


Much black in 2nd gen tail feathers. Ringed in the UK, but most probably Scandinavian origin.

Bird ringed on landfill in London, at Pitsea Landfill Site, Essex, UK. This map shows the resighting and recapture history for the Herring Gull ringed with metal ring GR75546. At ringing it was aged as Euring code 5 (second calendar year).

01 Jun 2013 Pitsea Landfill Site, Essex
Sighted 31 Oct 2013 Blaringhem, Nord, FRANCE
Sighted 01 Mar 2014 Katwijk, Zuid-Holland, NETHERLANDS

below: with cachinnans 2CY.