Herring Gull (argentatus) J2393 4th cycle (5CY), January 14 2015, Scheveningen, the Netherlands (52°05'56"N 004°15'56"E).
Picture: Wim van Yperen.
Black ring with white code: J2393 and metal ring Stavanger NOS FA32823.
Herring Gull Larus argentatus, ringed as pullus on June 24 2011 at Ørndalen, Tromsø, Troms, Norway (69°42'12"N 019°00'31"E).
24.06.2011 Ørndalen, Tromsø, Troms, Norway (69°42'12"N 019°00'31"E).
08.12.2011 Bergen strand, NoordHolland,
(52°38'41"N 004°37'27"E)
14.01 2015 Scheveningen,
The Netherlands
(52°05'56"N 004°15'56"E)
Very immature looking bird but note the large white tips on the primaries.

Travelling distance: 2100 KM.
