Herring Gull - Zilvermeeuw (argentatus & argenteus)

(last update: 31 januari 2005)

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Herring Gull 5.359.457 adult (argenteus), March 18 2002, Missouriweg, Maasvlakte, the Netherlands (51.59N,04.02E).

A Dutch ringed adult: Arnhem 5.359.457. A typical Dutch argenteus. Ringed February 01 2002 at Westduinen, Den Haag as (near) adult (at least older than 3cy). Both are adult argenteus with complete white heads, all winter streaking lacking. Adult argenteus may already return to the colonies in January-February, maybe depending on the weather conditions (mild winters north to 53° latitude along the coast of the North Sea). It's unknown in what way and to what extend weather conditions influence body feather moult, but from January onwards, adults may appear with snow-white heads. From late January and certainly from the first week of February, males start defending territories on the roofs of the industrial complexes in the harbour of IJmuiden and in the colonies of the Maasvlakte, near Rotterdam. 
From the second week of February onwards, adult argenteus from the Netherlands are in active moult on the head. This is often obvious in the feathers around the eye, which are shed by the second week of February, leaving a naked ring around the eye (visible at close range). Note the orange orbital ring and the limited black on the bill (possible in full adult birds).