Jean-Michel Sauvage (France)
Mars Muusse (the Netherlands)
hg rings
Herring Gull plumages:
1cy July
HG 1cy August
HG 1cy September
HG 1cy October
HG 1cy November
HG 1cy December
2cy January
HG 2cy February
HG 2cy March
HG 2cy April
HG 2cy May
HG 2cy June
HG 2cy July
HG 2cy August
HG 2cy September
HG 2cy October
HG 2cy November
HG 2cy December
3cy January
HG 3cy February
HG 3cy March
HG 3cy April
HG 3cy May
HG 3cy June
HG 3cy July
HG 3cy August
HG 3cy September
HG 3cy October
HG 3cy November
HG 3cy December
sub-ad Jan.
HG sub-ad Feb.
HG sub-ad March
HG sub-ad April
HG sub-ad May
HG sub-ad June
HG sub-ad July
HG sub-ad Aug.
HG sub-ad Sept.
HG sub-ad Oct.
HG sub-ad Nov.
HG sub-ad Dec.
adult January
HG adult February
HG adult March
HG adult April
HG adult May
HG adult June
HG adult July
HG adult August
HG adult September
HG adult October
HG adult November
HG adult December |
Herring Gull (argenteus) Y.CAX 4CY, May, August & November 2016, IJmuiden & Katwijk, the Netherlands. Picture: Maarten van Kleinwee & Mars Muusse.
Originally ringed only metal NLA 5.332.839, ringed as pullus on July 02 2007. In 2012 trapped again: ringed Herring Gull green YBAJ, ringed as breeding adult on May 07 2012 at Forteiland, IJmuiden. Ringed by Fred Cottaar ringing team.
below: Herring Gull (argenteus) Y.CAX 4CY, November 16 2016, Katwijk, the Netherlands.
Some black on the bill.

below: Herring Gull (argenteus) Y.CAX 4CY, August 05 2016, IJmuiden, the Netherlands. Picture: Maarten van Kleinwee.
Note bill pattern! A dramatic change.
This gull was caught as a breeding male in the gull colony of IJmuiden Forteiland, the Netherlands in May 2016 and ringed as Green Y.CAX.
In May, the bill showed sub-adult features with much black in the lower and upper mandible, a dark yellow base and a pale tip, typical for a Herring Gull of this age.
In August (so after the breeding season), the bill looked very mature with only a small remnant of black on the bill.
In October (and photographed in November), the bill has turned very immature with a pale pink base, a distinct black band across the bill and a yellow tip.

below: Herring Gull (argenteus) Y.CAX 4CY, May 2016, IJmuiden, the Netherlands. Picture: Maarten van Kleinwee.
Clearly sub-adult when trapped at the nest and ringed.
