Yellow-legged Gull - Larus michahellis

(last update: October 08 2013)

Delfín González
Gabriel Martín
Antonio Gutierrez
Amir Ben Dov
Mars Muusse

Yellow-legged Gull michahellis 1CY, September 30 2001, Dannes - Le Portel, NW France.

All but a few lower scapulars have been replaced by new feathers. Many lesser and lower lesser coverts, the inner median coverts and the second greater covert have been replaced. Note the wear in the fringes of the tertials, which now lack the white fringes. Head and under-parts consist of second generation feathers and become almost complete white by September in this individual. Most michahellis show neat streaks on the fresh second generation head-feathers are in no way white-headed.