Yellow-legged Gull - Larus michahellis

(last update: October 08 2013)

Delfín González
Gabriel Martín
Antonio Gutierrez
Amir Ben Dov
Mars Muusse

Yellow-legged Gull michahellis 1CY-2CY I233 November 2005 - September 2006, Switzerland. Picture: Stephane Aubry.

Visit Stephane's Pbase site.

Ringed as pullus on June 01 2006 at Cassa di Colmata (Venezia), Italy.

below: michahellis 2CY I233 September 14 2006, Estavayer-le-Lac, Switzerland. Picture: Stephane Aubry.

P1-P10. Complete moult in coverts and tertials finished, gap in central GC closed. It is commonly seen that, while the outer primaries are replaced in the complete moult, a subsequent "partial autumn moult" will replace feathers in upper tertails and several inner wing-coverts in late summer and early autumn, which explains the fresher grey adult-like coverts seen in 2nd winter birds. Active partial moult in this bird, note missing MC, new inner GC and upper TT.

below: michahellis 2CY I233 November 21 2005, Chevroux, Switzerland. Picture: Stephane Aubry.

Scapulars replaced, limited moult in coverts (2x LLC). Tertials juvenile.

below: michahellis 2CY I233 November 03 2005, Chevroux, Switzerland. Picture: Stephane Aubry.

Scapulars replaced, limited moult in coverts. Tertials juvenile.