third calendar year: October

Last update of this page: 30-03-05 06:17


Most LBBG have left the colonies and surrounding feeding grounds near the Maasvlakte (the Netherlands) and migrate south towards France, Portugal and Morocco. By October many remain on continental NW Europe, as north as the south of the Netherlands along the coast at Westkapelle, 65 km south of the Maasvlakte (see map). By the end of October, birds changed their plumage for adult-like upper-parts and under-parts. The primaries and secondaries are third generation (adult-like). Wing-coverts and tertials have been renewed into (at least) third generation feathers and mantle and scapulars are most fourth generation now.

LBBG in 3cy by mid-October

  • The bill shows a bill-band of various size. The average birds (79%) show an ”adult” bill with a broad band over the upper and lower mandible (see image 21).

  • The bare parts coloration is not as intense as in adults, more lemon and orange.

  • The head is heavily streaked by freshly moulted streaked feathers.

  • The under-parts are streaked, sometimes only in the hind-neck.

  • Mantle and scapulars resemble adults now (being fourth or even fifth generation).

  • Tertials exist of newly moulted third generation feathers. The tertials are adult-grey with a white top. Some birds show a more blackish centre on the new third generation tertials 3, 4, 5 and 6.

  • The wing-coverts are plain, grey adult-like 3rd generation feathers. In only a very few you can find some barring. When so, this barring is found on the inner greater coverts, tertials 2-4 and the inner median coverts. Sometimes (in 5%), a few feathers in the greater coverts have not been replaced (see image 4) and create brown interruptions in the new grey row. The old greater coverts normally are number 5-7 (counted from the body). About 95% of 3cy LBBG follows the normal moult sequence: start with the inner 3-4 then continuing with the outermost feathers and moulting these inwards.

  • The primary score at the end of October averages 46 with at least P7 fully grown on any bird. The third generation primaries are very adult-like but P10 often shows an obvious smaller mirror (like in image 1), often not reaching the sides of the feather and situated further from the top.

  • Secondaries: about 60% shows replaced third generation secondaries by the end of October.

  • The under-wing coverts are white.

  • The new tail is completely white or with very restricted black markings (20%) on the outer webs (see image 5).

Arrested moult in 3cy LBBG

Some 3cy birds show arrested moult: new inner primaries, up to p6, p7 and p8, with the outermost primaries still old (P7, P8 and P9 respectively). Arrested moult or near arrested moult can be be recognized by the lack of a gap of at least one missing primaries between the fully grown outermost primary and the next innermost old primary. But one has to be cautious: the gap in the primaries caused by active moult is smaller than is shown in adults and about 70% of 3cy birds do not miss a full primary when it is in active wing-moult. Especially when the outer primaries are moulted, this feature is very common. A few example are presented on this page.

1. Birds with a moult gap of less than one primary:
Photo 21 shows a 3cy intermedius ringed in Denmark with P8 already longer than P7 and the outer primaries P9 and P10 still present. A slightly paler grey bird is presented in photo 14. P8 still has to grown a few inches, while P9 is still present. A 3cy bird with some characteristics found in intermedius is shown in photo 13. Again, this bird has P7 fully grown and P8 still growing. P9-P10 are still old. Another bird, which will arrest primary moult at P8 can be found in photo 22. This bird also has many features of (female) intermedius LBBG.

2. Birds with the arrested moult ascertained:
Photo 19 shows a presumed intermedius in 3cy with P8 fully grown and P9-P10 still old second generation. Photo 20 shows another dark grey LBBG, presumable intermedius with arrested moult at P8. This bird has most of the upper-parts and under-parts adult-like as is commonly found in 4cy birds. 

Remarkably, in all birds the primary moult will probably be arrested or has been arrested at P8. In the October sub-adult LBBG section more birds are represented with arrested moult.


Primary moult score for 3cy LBBG year 2001 (the Netherlands).

p7 new p8 new p9 new p10 new n: m:
Oct 8-12 16 38 36 6 96 8,33
Oct 22 2 7 16 5 30 8,80

n: total; m: average

3cy LBBG: 'graellsii'

3cy LBBG in October, ringed in the U.K. (54313 bytes)LBBG SDJ October 21 2004, Westkapelle, the Netherlands. Picture Pim Wolf.
3cy LBBG in October, ringed in the U.K. (113718 bytes)LBBG SLL October 19 2004, Westkapelle, the Netherlands. Picture Pim Wolf.
3cy LBBG in October, ringed in the U.K. (111470 bytes)LBBG SYL October 21 2004, Westkapelle, the Netherlands. Picture Pim Wolf.

3cy LBBG: 'Dutch intergrade'
3cy LBBG in October, ringed in the Netherlands. (54090 bytes)LBBG PV9  October 21 1999, Westkapelle, the Netherlands. 3cy LBBG ringed at Maassvlakte, the Netherlands. Picture by Pim Wolf.
3cy LBBG in October, ringed in the Netherlands. (95468 bytes)LBBG B29E October 21 2004, Westkapelle, the Netherlands. Picture Pim Wolf.
3cy LBBG in October, ringed in the Netherlands. (132389 bytes)LBBG B65E October 07 2004, Westkapelle, the Netherlands. Picture Pim Wolf.
3cy LBBG in October, ringed in the Netherlands. (90966 bytes)LBBG 5.362.160 October 21 2004, Westkapelle, the Netherlands. Picture Pim Wolf.
3cy LBBG in October, ringed in the Netherlands. (95794 bytes)LBBG BLB L-100116 October 21 2004, Westkapelle, the Netherlands. Picture Pim Wolf.

Germany: 'Dutch intergrade' / intermedius
9571helgo4238977.jpg (85245 bytes)LBBG sub-ad 4238977, October 11 2003, Westkapelle, the Netherlands.

3cy LBBG: intermedius
3cy LBBG intermedius, ringed in Denmark. (83998 bytes)LBBG intermedius DKC 4272452 3cy, October 14 2001, Westkapelle, the Netherlands. 3cy LBBG ringed in Denmark. Moult will probably be arrested.
3cy LBBG intermedius, ringed in Denmark. (45716 bytes)LBBG intermedius DKC 4277650 3cy, October 02 2003, IJmuiden, the Netherlands. 3cy LBBG ringed in Denmark. P7 fully grown, P9-P10 still old.
3cy LBBG intermedius, ringed in Norway. (133525 bytes)LBBG J05U October 21 2004, Westkapelle, the Netherlands. Picture Pim Wolf.
3cy LBBG intermedius, ringed in Sweden. (61850 bytes)LBBG intermedius SVS 8074722 3cy, October 02 2003, IJmuiden, the Netherlands. 3cy LBBG ringed in Sweden. Primary moult arrested at P8.
3cy LBBG intermedius, ringed in Sweden. (93351 bytes)LBBG intermedius SVS 8100976 3cy, October 30 2003, Westkapelle, the Netherlands. 3cy LBBG ringed in Sweden. Primary moult at P8.

unringed 3cy LBBG
7099.jpg (86793 bytes)Photo 1: LBBG 3cy, October 13 2001 Westkapelle, the Netherlands. A typical individual.
7128.jpg (98216 bytes)Photo 2: LBBG 3cy, October 13 2001, Westkapelle, the Netherlands.
7144.jpg (82989 bytes)Photo 3: LBBG 3cy, October 13 2001, Westkapelle, the Netherlands.
7161.jpg (96468 bytes)Photo 4: LBBG 3cy, October 13 2001, Westkapelle, the Netherlands.
7214.jpg (79364 bytes)Photo 5: LBBG 3cy, October 14 2001, Westkapelle, the Netherlands.
7228.jpg (83838 bytes)Photo 6: LBBG 3cy, October 14 2001 Westkapelle, the Netherlands. Old abraded 3rd generation secondaries and tail, but with brown primary coverts.
7349.jpg (90699 bytes)Photo 7: LBBG 3cy, October 22 2001, Westkapelle, the Netherlands.
7171.jpg (88068 bytes)Four images LBBG 3cy, October 2001, Westkapelle, the Netherlands. Four LBBG that show complete grey upper-parts, but have other features clearly pointing to 3cy plumage.
7320.jpg (84974 bytes)Seven images LBBG 3cy, October 2001, Westkapelle, the Netherlands. Including LBBG with arrested moult in autumn.