Larus cachinnans in the Netherlands

(last update: August 16, 2020)

Albert de Jong
Leon Kelder
Roland-Jan Buijs
Thijs Horst
Merijn Loeve
Mars Muusse


Herring Gull argenteus 6.G 1CY, May - July 2022, Lelystad, the Netherlands. Picture: Thijs Horst & Mars Muusse.

Red tibia ring r[6.G] and metal NLA 5.625.101, ringed as pullus Larus argentatus at nest 61Z on May 17 2022 in colony Lelystad, the Netherlands. Ringer: Herman Bouman / Jeroen Nagtegaal.
ID uncertain in 2022: one parent is Herring Gull, partner unknown (but most likely also Herring Gull). Nest included for "Herring Gull control nests".

Visits and data:
Estimation egg laying: A-egg = April 19 2022. Estimating hatching = May 17 2022.

15-04-2022 adult near empty nest.  
19-04-2022 2 adult Herring gulls present.  
  egg no: width (mm): length (mm): volume (cm3):       
27-04-2022 A 48,4 66 -- 35 - tip bottom 3 eggs  
  B 47,6 66,7 -- 80 - tip bottom  
C 48,6 66,9 -- 50 - tip bottom
sum nest: --
  egg no:     3 eggs, 1 adult has short white tongue on P10: hybrid?    
29-04-2022 A float - 4 mm          
  B float - 4 mm        
C float - 5 mm    
01-05-2022 Herring Gull at nest.
04-05-2022 3 eggs.
09-05-2022 3 eggs.
17-05-2022 2 eggs.
A egg hatching, small hole.
C egg in tact,
B chick ringed, only metal ring.
  metal darvic mass H+B wing    
17-05-2022 .5625101 -- -- -- -- (chick just hatched, 1 day old)
22-05-2022 .5625101 r-6.G 186 62,6 38
22-05-2022 .5625159 r-6.F 114 57 33 chick near nest 61Z, but very likely (99%) from nest 123. >> see 123Z
22-05-2022 C egg still in nest (infertile). Chick rate: 1 out of 3 eggs.
  metal darvic mass H+B wing bill  
30-05-2022 .5625101 r-6.G 490 81 95 32
30-05-2022 .5625159 r-6.F 385 77,8 70 29
12-07-2022 picture of r[6.G].

below: Herring Gull argenteus 6.G 1CY, July 12 2022, Lelystad, the Netherlands. Picture: Thijs Horst & Mars Muusse.

below: Herring Gull argenteus 6.G 1CY, May 30 2022, Lelystad, the Netherlands. Picture: Mars Muusse.

r[6.G] argenteus from nest 61Z. Picture: May 30th, 2022.
Ringed on May 22nd and retrapped on May 30th. No observations since. Same for sibling r[6.F].

below: Herring Gull argenteus 6.G 1CY, May 22 2022, Lelystad, the Netherlands. Picture: Mars Muusse.

Ringed only metal on May 17th, due to small size. Darvic ringed added on May 22nd.