Larus cachinnans in the Netherlands

(last update: August 16, 2020)

Albert de Jong
Leon Kelder
Roland-Jan Buijs
Thijs Horst
Merijn Loeve
Mars Muusse


Cachinnans - nest Lelystad 244Z

General remarks:

  • Eggs: Volume measured by Stonehouse (1964) and Spaans & Spaans (1975), which make comparison possible with data from Texel (Camphuysen pers comm 16.04.2020).
  • Nest 244 positioned on dam 1 south section, 40 meters west of nest 118 (for 2022 is the most western nest).
  • ID uncertain in 2022: immature (5CY) cachinnans, other partner likely (99%) Herring Gull. Offspring 2022 clearly with strong Herring fenotypics.
  • ID uncertain in 2023: probably both parents are Herring Gull; one trapped ta nest now r-7.R.
location May 17th, 2022: code May 17th, 2023: 3 eggs. May 22nd, 2023: 3x metal ring.
parent 1 May 17th, 2022: sub-adult cachinnans May 17th, 2022: sub-adult cachinnans .
parent 2 November 12th, 2023: Herring Gull r-7.R. . .
pullus July 12th, 2022: fledged r[6.5]. May 30th, 2022: ringed pullus r[6.7]. September 24th, 2022: fledged r[6.8].
pullus May 27th, 2023: pullus g[9|C]. May 27th, 2023: pullus g[9|D]. .

Data for nest 244-2022:
Estimation egg laying: A-egg = April 22 2022. Estimating hatching = May 20 2022.

4-May-22 3 eggs A egg 65,4 51 floating - 4 mm
B egg 67,8 49 floating - 4 mm
C egg 63,4 47,6 floating - 4 mm
sub-adult cachinnans at this nest.
metal darvic mass wing H+B age
22-May-22 pullus .5625150 - 73 27 50,8 2 days, too small for darvic ring.
pullus .5625151 - 68 24 50,2 2 days, idem.
pullus .5625152 - 60 22 47 1st day, idem.
metal darvic mass wing H+B bill
30-May-22 pullus .5625150 r-68 267 45 67,6 26
pullus .5625151 r-67 258 46 68,1 24
pullus .5625152 r-65 244 38 63,6 23
02-Jun-22 probably Herring Gull at this nest? But be aware of other nest close by.
17-Jun-22 adult Herring Gull near nest.
21-Jun-22 pullus darvic mass H+B Bill Tarsus Wing
r-68 888 111 42,2 77,5 255
fledged: 2 or maybe even 3, at least r-65 and r-68 have fledged.
egg sizes & volume 2023
SPECIES NEST A_length A_width A_volume B_length B_width B_volume C_length C_width C_volume TOTAL NEST: known parents?
teus x teus 244-2023 68,9 50,7 89,17 67,4 50,7 87,23 0 0 0,00 176,41 NEW NEST
ring pulli: laying A egg: hatch A egg
catch: date: metal: darvic: mass: wing: head+bill: bill: gonys: greytone:
adult 03-05-2023 6.214.908 r-7.R nn 409 nn nn nn 5 female Herring Gull
pullus 27-05-2023 5.625.268 g-9|C 229
pullus 27-05-2023 5.625.284 g-9|D 260
pullus 18-06-2023 5.625.284 g-9|D 648 233 100,1
244-2023 NEW NEST
dam: dam 1 west
location: on tarmac. Code sprayed in red.
breeders: teus x teus
22-04-2023 nest: 2 eieren in nest
03-05-2023 adult: Trapped female teus at nest: r-7.R
27-05-2023 pulli: 2x chicks ringed and measured.
18-06-2023 pulli: control of g-9|D.

Visits and data 2024.

NEST code parent 1 parent  2 A_length A_width A_volume B_length B_width B_volume C_length C_width C_volume TOTAL NEST:
244-2024 teus teus 70,6 48,4 83,27 68,5 47,7 78,47 65,6 49 79,30 241,05
  # eggs A-egg hatch # ringed chicks # all chicks # fledged chicks comments
dam: dam 1 south
location: dam 1 western section, nest 244-2023, 55 mtr south of n-F|N.
parents? same as 2023?
ring pulli: June 03?
date darvic metal location / nest# species sexe age wing mass head+ bill bill tarsus gonys greyscale
05-05-2024 eggs 3x, measured.