Larus cachinnans in the Netherlands

(last update: August 16, 2020)

Albert de Jong
Merijn Loeve
Roland-Jan Buijs
Thijs Horst
Leon Kelder
Mars Muusse


Cachinnans - nest Lelystad 111

General remarks:

  • Eggs: Volume measured by Stonehouse (1964) and Spaans & Spaans (1975), which make comparison possible with data from Texel (Camphuysen pers comm 16.04.2020).
  • Nest 111 positioned on dam 1, just east of bend, 40 mtr west of PNED.
  • ID certain in 2022: parents are male Caspian Gull type (short tongue on P10 may indicate hybrid, otherwise nice cachinnans) and female Caspian Gull.
  • Nest 111-2024 positioned on artificial breakwater 1 east, same as 2023. Location is "Beauty nest" with blue jerrycan, 25 mtr E of P9R0, top of dam, visible from N.
  • ID certain in 2023: both female and male Caspian Gull are the same as 2022.
  • ID certain in 2024: both female and male are Caspian Gull.
location April 19th, 2022: nest location. May 1st, 2022: nest location with male. May 13th, 2023: both partners are Caspian Gulls.
  April 21st, 2024: Blue jerrycan, top of dam 1. April 21st, 2024: Beauty nest 111. .
nest April 15th, 2022: 3 eggs. April 26th, 2023: 3 eggs. April 21st, 2024: 2 eggs. Never 3 eggs in 2024.
partner 1 April 27th, 2022: female 1 is cachinnans. April 27th, 2022: female 1 is cachinnans. May 13th, 2023: female Caspian Gull.
partner 1 May 07 2024: female Caspian Gull. May 07 2024: female Caspian Gull. May 07 2024: female Caspian Gull.
partner 2 May 1st, 2022: partner 2 is cachinnans type. April 27th, 2022: partner 2 is cachinnans type. May 13th, 2023: male Caspian Gull.
partner 2 April 21st, 2024: male Caspian Gull (broad band P5). May 07 2024: male Caspian Gull. May 07 2024: male Caspian Gull.
pullus May 9th, 2022: pullus r[C.H]. May 9th, 2022: pullus r[C.J]. July 17th, 2022: juvenile r[C.J].
pullus July 18th, 2023: juvenile g[7|T]. June 18th, 2023: juvenile g[8|V]. June 18th, 2023: juvenile g[8|X].
pullus May 14 2024: g-B|2. May 14 2024: g-B|3. .

Visits and data 2022 for nest 111:
Estimation egg laying: A-egg = April 3 2022. Estimating hatching = May 1 2022.

  egg no: width (mm): length (mm): volume (cm3):       
15-04-2022 A 53,2 71,7 -- 90 - tip bottom 3 eggs  
  B 52,6 72,5 -- 60 - tip bottom  
C 50,5 70,8 -- 70 - tip bottom
sum nest: --
  egg no:     3 eggs, 1 adult has short white tongue on P10: hybrid?    
27-04-2022 A float - 1 mm          
  B float - 1 mm        
C float - 3 mm    
  Cach and cachinnans type at nest.
04-05-2022 Cachinnans type male at nest.
  metal darvic mass H+B      
09-05-2022 .5625058 r-C.H -- --
09-05-2022 .5625059 r-C.J -- --
17-05-2022 .5625058 r-C.H 416 81,8
21-05-2022 r-CH & r-CJ and another unringed chick swimming and flying between the dams.
28-06-2022 r-CH & r-CJ photos.
17-07-2022 r-CH & r-CJ photos.
egg sizes & volume 2023
SPECIES NEST A_length A_width A_volume B_length B_width B_volume C_length C_width C_volume TOTAL NEST: known parents?
cach x cach 111-2023 70,7 51,5 94,41 70,5 52,6 98,21 69,7 50,1 88,09 280,71 same as 2022
ring pulli: May 15. laying A egg: April 12. hatch A egg: May 10.
catch: date: metal: darvic: mass: wing: head+bill:
Pullus 18-5-2023 5.556.409 g-7|T 77 52,5
Pullus 27-5-2023 5.556.409 g-7|T 326
Pullus 27-5-2023 5.625.266 g-8|V 253
Pullus 27-5-2023 5.625.269 g-8|X 326
Pullus 18-6-2023 5.625.269 g-8|X fledged
Pullus 18-6-2023 5.625.266 g-8|V 810 262 109,1
Pullus 18-6-2023 5.556.409 g-7|T 809 264 117,1
Pullus 25-6-2023 5.625.269 g-8|X 938 290 117,2
dam: dam 1 east
location: Top of dam. On S-side: red/white traffic sign, nest 111 is just west of it. Same nest as 111-2022
breeders: cach x cach
09-04-2023 adult: Unringed cach present at location. So search for nest today.
26-04-2023 adult: Unringed cach present at location.
nest: Blue jerrycan, old red spot visible. Code 111 sprayed on block N. 10 m W of 112. LBBG 6 m N of 111
eggs: 3x egg, measured. A 60 - tip bottom
B 60 - tip bottom
C 40 - tip bottom
11-05-2023 eggs: 3 eggs
18-05-2023 pulli 1 chick ringed, 1 chick just hatched (still wet), 1 egg
27-05-2023 pulli 3x chicks measured & ringed.
18-06-2023 pulli 3x chicks fledged: g-7|T, g-8|V, g-8|X. 
25-06-2023 pulli g-8|X and g-8|V present

Visits and data 2024.

NEST code parent 1 parent  2 A_length A_width A_volume B_length B_width B_volume C_length C_width C_volume TOTAL NEST:
111-2024 cach   71,6 51,2 94,50 71 51,3 94,08    
  # eggs A-egg hatch # ringed chicks # all chicks # fledged chicks comments
  2 15-4-2024 13-5-2024
dam: dam 1 east
location: Beauty nest with blue jerrycan, 25 mtr E of P9R0, top of dam, visible from N.
parents? New?
ring pulli: 17-May
date darvic metal location / nest# species sexe age wing mass head+ bill bill tarsus gonys greyscale
14-05-2024 g-B|2 .5631184 nest 111 PONT 1CY 68          
14-05-2024 g-B|3 .5631185 nest 111 PONT 1CY 85          
21-04-2024 eggs: 2 eggs, measured. 
adult: Caspian Gull incubating.
26-04-2024 eggs: still 2 eggs only.
07-05-2024 eggs: 2x.
  adults: both are Caspian Gull.
14-05-2024 chicks: 2x ringed.